A Snoozy Proposal: Noah's Flood

 A Letter to Cannan


Dear Cannan,

How have you been? I hope that you are in a comfortable slumber; I mean staying in the same position under 7 layers of mud have to rust your body right? You are not alone with many beings there. I presume you also wonder what happened after your death. Oh, there are some novelties here and there, nothing biggie about us outies. We built a whole new world under the guidance of Noah, discovered natural phenomena and invented feudalism, capitalism etc. I would tell the other things, but they are just fleas on the rats.

I’m certain you wish to know recorded events of your lineage after the flood. Anyways, let me tell you more about your family. Did you know that you and your family are celebrities? I bet you didn’t! Well at the start, their little adventure on the Ark became nothing more than a rumour. You guys were already mentioned in three major scriptures and countless stories. Some proceeded to pursue these tales though. I witnessed a few things about this, Canny. For instance, if I don’t remind wrong, a grandson of Japheth, Ilhan Durupinar discovered the Ark’s possible remains (although, some tattlers tried to distort information). After the news, people flew there as moths to the flames. Oh, our inquiring nature! Even for learning trivial things we can go beyond our imagination... Currently, more and more people are visiting this area and collect some pieces from the remains (I think as souvenirs). On the other hand, some islanders claimed your greatest grandpa to be a unicellular thing, a mushroom, and even a primate! Another folk thinks he came after 6000 years from this eminent garden. Some others say these arguments are all pure fantasies, hallucinations. I wish you have met with them and having great revelry underground. (I can imagine you dancing, playing tag or getting drunk with groupies of T-rex and fungi). Well, these stories spread like wildfire I can state. Some survived animals like roosters and chickens are building coop displays and bug-lanes inspired by the ship. They aim to attract the foxes, coyotes or racoons for settlement rather than owls, moles and earthworms. I am very sorry for too slight knowledge. This is all I could collect for now. I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,



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