Rainbow Guardians Chapter 1

 Chapter 1: The Fall of Starland

It was just like another day in Starland; however, how could I have known that it might be my last? I can understand that you are trying to grasp who I am or what happened to me. But, be patient, dear reader. You'll be informed about these soon. The sun had already risen in Starland; the silk sunlight touched my lids gently, inviting me to get ready for the day. Despite the day’s call, I just wrapped my covers farther on my head, but my journey back to the slumberland wasn't meant to last.

"Come on, Betty N, wake up and get dressed!" called a voice outside my room.

"Ugh, I'm up Daniela!" I yawned, rubbing my eyes. "I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Fine. Just bring Lily along too," Danie replied.

I stood up, and put on my gown and tiara instantly. Then, I gingerly shook my sister. "Lilyanna, sweetie, it's morning," I whispered into her ear. 

She got up, stretching her arms in the air. Her lids were half-closed, revealing her sapphire orbs. Lily sat on her bed, and I brushed her strawberry blonde locks as usual. Later, she got dressed too and followed me along; we arrived at the breakfast hall. Danie, my mum, and dad were expecting us.

"Good morning, my starlights!" My dad greeted us.

"Good morning Lord Father and Lady Mother," I responded, slightly bowing. Lily replicated my movement, and we took our places in the seats.

"Well, if everyone is ready, let the meal begin!" Announced my mum, clinking a class with her fork.

Today we didn't have the usual breakfast. Ordinarily, we needed to stay fit for our queen, so we had to eat a lot of healthy foods. Today was a special occasion, so, instead of broccoli stew, light dairy products and eggs, the table was laden with my favourite star cakes, filled with either cream or cheese and stardust cookies, along with my all-time favourite drink, star berry tea.

"Nelly, dear, how is your surprise for the last day of your summer vacation?" My mum inquired.

"Thanks for the gesture mother. I seriously appreciate it!"

"Haha, of course, my starling. We kept things special just for you today." Answered my dad with a sad smile. Indeed, it was my last day on Starland before leaving for the next phase of my education, Rainbow Academy on Earth.

The breakfast went almost mute, and my parents and sisters stared at me all the time. The atmosphere was so thick that you could feel yourself suffocated. I couldn't endure such a scene like that anymore; I rose and embraced each member of my family. I did not know why, but I felt my heart sink into an abyss of sorrow.

"My beloved family, I get that it's hard for you to let me go, but please, it's for our future, my future."

"We know darling. Moreover, we realise that you shall shine brighter than before once you return," said my mum, tightening her grip. She tried to remove her tears as subtly as possible. "OK, everyone. Let us go to our duties for the day. And Nelly, you're free today."

"Thanks, my queen," I responded, bowing my head and left. I could feel the weight of expectations and hopes of my nation behind me. I had to study hard night and day, without giving up. I was representing the whole of Starland, after all.

Later, I changed into my riding clothes, grabbed my kitty Pineapple, and headed towards the royal barn. My dearest friend, Alyra, was eating some hay and moss. She spread her wings once she heard my footsteps. Her beautiful whitish azure coat shimmered; her onyx eyes glimmered. I instantly approached her and caressed her silver mane.

"Hey girl, are you ready for a ride?" I asked, and she immediately swayed her head. I just chuckled, led her to the fences, and gracefully swung onto her back, behind her majestic wings. Today I planned to take a grand tour around Starland; my route included the Starry Lake, the Kaleidoscope Observation Centre, and Starland's core energy facility. Alyra daintily reared up; the sun was glowing behind us. Pineapple dug her claws into my jacket; she was almost tearing it apart. While I was trying to calm her down, Alyra ascended higher and higher. I looked at the view before us.

 The Starland Castle's granite towers were standing like the Cygnus constellation, and the prism roofs of the houses were causing brilliant sparkles. A few moments later, I saw the flashes of Starry Lake; we slowly landed beside it. This lake was the biggest one on my planet. Its pale rainbow waves with fluxional sparks were peculiar. Although it had a transparent substance, two reasons were causing these effects. The rainbow's reason was an optical illusion and the flashes were happening due to an indigenous species of lake plankton. I knew these were the facts behind it, but I always admired this place for one reason. The Ballad of Starla Legend; particularly these lines were causing my fondness:

Starla the Legend hath tackled,

And knapped the veil of the night with a knife.

The crystal blade unearthed the bore.

Rainbows and stars swirled to lure. 

I grabbed a bottle from my bag. This water was one of the best qualities in my kingdom. It had too many benefits that couldn't be listed here. I filled the bottle with water and sat on the grass by a tree. I had already released Pineapple and Alyra. They were wandering around; however, Alyra came beside me and kneeled next to me, bumping her snout on my right shoulder. Well, this might signify two things; it was either a signal of treatment request or combing. Her coat and mane were a little frizzy, so, I took her dandy brush and started to comb her fur. She politely wrapped one of her wings around me. It was fluffy and almost felt like a cloud, and it was soothing and comforting. I felt the familiar warmth that I sensed a long time ago.


"Princess, please stay still. I need to fit this dress for you!" Yelled my handmaid Marylyn.

"Your Highness here is your schedule for today: Tea party with Lady Orion's daughter, your piano and harp lectures, poetry session with the Duchess and her companions..."

My face fell; my eyes became dim. Marylyn tucked my girdle in rigorous force. Another maid pulled my locks harshly, forming tight ringlets on my head. She stabbed a heavy tiara too. I put on thin, long leather gloves.

Everything suddenly went silent; time itself stopped for me. I sensed myself rising to the ceiling. What was all this? What was my life like? I imagined Alyra beside me, flying to the other lands. I dashed as swiftly as I could. 'Alyra, Alyra, Alyra! 'I repeated in my mind. I passed Daniela and jumped outside the window. I heard the screams of the people. Then, I landed on something soft. These familiar rustles... It was Alyra! I sobbed uncontrollably. She slowly descended to the ground. All I ever remembered were the so many noises and a warm embrace.


I didn't know why, but Alyra's embrace reminded me of that. I shook my head, calling Pineapple. She came to me and climbed onto my arms. We headed towards the Kaleidoscope Observation Centre. It was an observation centre which scrutinised space materials. I left both Alyra and Pineapple outside and went to the top floor. I gazed upon every neighbouring planet in our solar system with the telescope. Volcanotopia, Earth, Lovelonia, Dimenia, and Negavise... That planet... It was another case that shall be explained later. 

Many students were sent to Rainbow Academy from these planets. This school had the 'best' education, according to my parents. I was one of the many students there. There were no titles or absolute rules. All these were outlandish for me. I felt gratitude, yet I had concerns too. All my life had been surrounded by the ivory tower, not by the equilibrium of others. I watched the stars far, far away. Compared to them, I was smaller than a dot in the universe. I liked this place for this reason. It reminded of that I am nothing in this vast cosmos, how even a particle was connected with me. Every single atom, each of my cells was harmonising. I was just a tiny piece of this universal puzzle, a note in this cosmic symphony. Then, I saw Alyra in a window. She was staring at me, sticking her face in the glass. I exited the observation room and went down the stairs. "You little mischief ball," I called Alyra. "You wanted me to come back that bad, eh?" She let out nicker-like laughter. I boarded her, aiming at my last destination.


I arrived near my castle. There was a statue of Starla in the castle garden. I pushed a button inside her hand, and I instantly teleported to the vaults beneath the fortress. I walked through a long corridor and stopped at an entrance; the security system scanned my facial features and allowed me to go on. I took a capsule elevator. Alyra and Pineapple were in the garden; they were probably chilling out. The capsule carried me to the centre. I showed my pin, which had the coat of arms of Starland.

"Welcome, Princess Nelly Elizabeth Starius Starland." Said the system voice and opened the doors for me.

"Hello, is anybody there?" I inquired, looking around.

"Oh, princess! How nice to see you." Responded a janitor.

"Arthur? What are you doing here?"

"I-I was cleaning the vault and lost my way." He kept mopping the ground, scrubbing it.

"Alright. Did you see Doctor Andromeda by any chance?" I raised an eyebrow, stomping my foot.

"I saw her at the producing room." His eyes shifted around, and a silly grin appeared on his face. "You are here to obtain your order, I presume?"

"How did you know that?" I gasped slightly.

"J-just a hunch? Don't mind me, my lady. I'm just a humble servant."

That was odd... Even uncanny... My parents and our employees were extra careful when it came to the possible defence system of Starland. The core energy was an issue like that; we had to keep our military info a secret. Only the royalty and experts knew about the centre and the production room. His 'hunch' was on point; however, how could a rookie janitor like him know about the vault and the centre's place? Arthur had been working for us for about a few months, and he managed to gain the trust of the most. I mustered a fake smile and wished him good work. Then, I headed to the producing room and noticed just the person I was seeking. Dr Andromeda was checking the performance of the generators; she turned her head and greeted me.

"Greetings, your royal luminosity."

"Hi, Dr Andromeda. How've you been? What is the status of my order?"

"I am in good health, milady. Thanks for asking," She replied and brought back a piece of star necklace and a small armband. "I prepared everything personally for you."

"Splendid! This should be one of your finest works." I told, admiring the details.

"I'm glad you liked it! I hope you take care of it very well."

"I will," I answered. "Doctor, can I consult something?"

"Sure, princess. I would love to help you if I can."

"Well, I saw Arthur, the janitor at the entrance of the central, and he mumbled something about my order," I told, slightly biting my index finger.

"Really? How?" Her eyes widened; she seemed to be shaken a little.

"I don't know, but this is top secret info. How could someone like him learn it?"

"I can think about one option, princess." She answered, placing her palm beneath her chin.  "We might have a rat nearby."

"N-no, this can't be possible! Oh, the Almighty! Is there a spy?" I took a few steps back.

"Shh, princess." Andromeda signalled me to be quiet. "We shouldn’t get any attention."

How would that even occur? Starland had one of the most advanced security systems and forces in our dimension. This situation was enough to make my blood freeze in my veins. While I was about to be absorbed in thoughts, the ground rattled suddenly. The sounds of the generators stopped; there were vigorous explosions around. I could feel the hotness of the lava on my soles. Also, the lights went out and added darkness to our calamity cake. Dr Andromeda turned on her laser light, leading us to one of the emergency exits. I could hear the marching of crowded troops. Someone was yelling my name; the herds of goose bumps flew around my body. They were getting closer to us each second. My breath hitched in my throat; my heart thumped in my chest. Then, I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, Wil. I think that the last royal bimbo is here."

"Perfect. We already caught the other royal flanks and sent them to their captivity! Is your mission complete?"

"Y-yeah, Wil. You're speaking like you don't know me."

My tears rolled down my cheeks; a lump knotted in my throat. My parents and my sisters were in captivity! My world collapsed on me. I couldn't inhale at all! There were only loud moans that echoed from my mouth. Andromeda violently shook me and gave me some water while I was attempting to calm down which was nearly impossible at that moment. The glow of lava started to fade away, and the ground froze. It bit my feet like winter frost.

"Milady, I reckon they probably sabotaged or sucked the power of our planetary core. I'm afraid Starland may fall soon." The doctor said, leading me to an emergency escape capsule in the hide-out. "My fair princess, you're our last hope. You must go to Earth and instantly get some help."

I nodded silently, focusing on her face. She gave me some urgent packs that contained food, water, and clothes. Later, she closed down the capsule and sent me up.

Alyra and Pineapple were waiting for me, and they were in a defence stand. Some soldiers approached us. They had the blackest uniforms with metallic-lilac void symbols on them. I recognised it. It was the planet of darkness... Negavise! These waylayers! They were the people who endangered my people and planet. One attempted to hold me down, but I leapt into the air and kicked him in the stomach. Alyra and Pineapple joined me and stamped him before he could do something. I quickly hopped on Alyra and opened a portal to the Earth. I had one last glance at my planet. It was utterly devastating for now, but I had to stay strong.


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