Rainbow Guardians Chapter 7

 Chapter 7: The Decision

Broken, blown to bits or smashed into dust? Could these words describe how I feel inside? Probably, not. Only one status could explain my soul and my being. Vaporized. Yes, I was definitely vaporized. My candlelight spirit had evaporated after I heard what happened to Starland, my beloved home planet, and the only place I ever lived. It was… It was on the brink of annihilation due to a band of rogues, ruffians, and degenerates. And guess what? My entity was about to have a supernova with Mother Estela's report…


“Thanks for hearing our call, your harmonies. As the court advisor and the chieftain of the Starlings, the light element spirits, I have to say that the majority of the parliament members are captured by the traitor Starland soldiers and Negavise forces. With the sacrifice of my own son Orion, I managed to run away. They did a military coup and occupied the administration of our planet. Now they are playing with the ones in captivity as a cat does with a mouse. They are tormenting them day and night, according to the latest intelligence. Also, there would be a master plan of slaying these members after a process of speedy trials.”

“Oh, the Almighty! This is terrific. Absolutely terrific,” said Queen Gaea, placing her hand on her mouth. 

“Indeed, my dear. But please, let's keep calm. Mistress Estela, you may proceed,” replied King Adam.

“Well, we need all the help we can get. There are only four regiments of soldiers in our line of defence. Moreover, the supplies of the sanctuary are getting crucially low. I must mention the humanitarian crisis of our people too. They are deprived of basic human needs. Your harmonies, I hope you shall respond to our demands. I kindly wish your forgiveness to end this call, and I eagerly anticipate your decisions.”

Then the screen closed. Everybody except me in the room began to argue. This discussion was so fierce that you could feel yourself burning. The words of them spun around me like a tornado, taking me in. It became so intense that I raised my voice.

“The noble members of the council! Please end these squalls at once!” I said and stood up, hitting the table surface with my hands. Suddenly the tornado of sounds disappeared, and their knives focused on me.

“Mr Castor and I are the representatives of Starland here. If you kindly permit, the first right of the audience is ours. As the council constitution says in the 529th article, B paragraph's third sentence, 'The members of a kingdom in dispute have the priority to define its fate.' ”

“Thanks, Princess Nelly. I understand your concerns about the situation, but we should let them display their solutions.” Mistress Persephone joined.

Then, everyone cowered, adjusting themselves. Mr Castor continued his presentation. His plan consisted of two parts: The first step was to convince the enemy forces to accept the essential help for the citizens through diplomacy. The second step was to give some concessions to the government of Negavise. This last part caused another debate in the meeting, but Minerva Akilah took control. 

After this, the tone of the meeting returned to the beginning, more civilized and respectful. And the other planets’ delegates began to state their own ideas. Lovelonia offered to help with medical issues; Volcantopia suggested a direct attack. The Earth wanted to supply food and water resources, and Dimenia requested to build dwellings for the poor people.

“We are going to put Lovelonia, Dimenia and the Earth’s plans to vote. However, we must decline Volcanotopia’s idea due to the sensitivity of the event,” said Minerva Akilah, ringing the bell of the election. “I am here starting the session of voting for helping Starland. Alright, how many of you support Lovelonia, Dimenia, and the Earth's suggestions?” 

Two-thirds of the majority pushed the assent buttons before them, whereas Volcanotopia preferred to stay non-reactive. President Akilah recorded the results of the declaration of this meeting. Later, she presented her own ways of salvation.

“My colleagues and I also prepared a master plan for the future of our dimension and Starland. Our first phase is all about the security of each planet. We will gather some of our armies to each kingdom according to its current military power. Also, we will send a diplomatic note to the exiled and the new government of Negavise. We are thinking of running diplomacy traffic with them to stop this nonsense.”

“This is quite reasonable,” commented Neesha.

“We also agree with you, President Akilah,” confirmed the Earth members.

“Lovelonia is with you all the way. We assure you,” Anny expressed.

“Volcanotopia will support you with arms and soldiers,” Julia uttered in a half-broken tone.

“What about compromises?” I inquired curiously.

“This is another matter that shall be discussed, Princess Nelly. We will notify you after negotiations,” replied Prof. Minerva, patting my shoulder.

The council again organized an election session to confirm the blessings of all nations. The president sent the offer to the voting screens of the members, and in a few minutes, everyone, including myself, accepted her plan. The weight of uselessness lifted away from my body. My vaporized soul started to come together. After a month of idleness and despair, I finally did something beneficial for my planet, my people and my beloved ones… At that moment, I realized what it meant to be a ruler. For the first time in my life, I sensed the light of gratification, illuminating my entire being. I felt some pride swelling up in my bosom. 

I also learned that Mistress Persephone organized this 'field trip' to cover up this assembly. When I asked what happened to non-royal students, she said they were the students who actually had fun! It was a little unfair, but I had responsibility for my people as their princesses. However, the real journey had just begun.


The day after the meeting went quickly, and the time of the exams stroke. The first exam was Construction I by Mrs Lorelei. Nelly and her friends arrived at the examination place. It was one of the laboratories in the faculty. This area was built with energy-resistant material, which was like jelly. It was totally artificial and a compound of several other matters. The most common ingredients were liquid core, elastics, and fluid quartz. Mrs Lorelei showed herself inside the classroom and arranged everything. 

“OK, everyone. Please put your fusion weapons and thought transmitters on the tables,” The instructor requested. “I will send your devices permanent safety clothing updates. These clothes have molecular-changing abilities. They will carry your current outfit’s molecule to the arsenal of your weapons.”

She took a little box and pushed some buttons. In an instant, beams of glows headed towards the core charms of the students. Every rookie in the room was surprised to see such technology.

“To activate this update, you all must use a vocal command. Say 'element shine power.' ”

“ELEMENT SHINE POWER!” All the pupils yelled at the same time. Their outfits turned into safety ones.

“Well done, everybody. Now, I want you to gear up, concentrate on your core energies, and make your own objects that use the power of your elements. You are free as long as you don't explode something here. Any harm to a thing or person shall cost minus ten to minus fifty points. Good luck!” Mrs Lorelei warned them, sitting on her chair.

Nelly tried to build a maze of lasers; Anny attracted her gas mixes, making a cloud out of them. Julia attempted to do a phoenix-shaped volcano, and Shanya established a mini ecosystem with insects and plants. Neesha used strong thought energy magnets as mind manipulators. Eleanora checked each structure carefully. Some of them were blown away; others couldn’t last long. The rest was quite well for beginners in her eyes. She examined the objects of our girls and affirmed them with her head. Everyone except Julia did not get any warnings at all. Her phoenix volcano had too many explosives, which could use bursts of energy. Mrs Lorelei decreased some of her measurements for the volcano to become less dangerous.

An hour later, Eleanora ended the examination. She classified the best buildings as the worst. The grading system of the Harmony universe was not like A-F or 1-100 systems. This system rated each learner according to their improvements. The grades were named promising, reasonably good, mediocre, formative or redo. Nelly and Neesha had the best grade; Shanya and Anny got reasonably good, and Julia got mediocre. 

Then, Mrs Lorelei wanted each student to teleport their own creations as their attacks to the fusion weapons. She assigned practices with them too until the second midterm. This was the end of their first midterm. 

The needle of life was embroidering new motifs on the canvases of every human. For the girls, their threads of fate were uniting in the future pattern of the Harmony Dimension. The exams, lessons, and pieces of training… They were only the servants of this typical pattern, preparing the princesses for their fate; the fate of acting roles of rulers in their kingdoms. Non-royals were also getting ready to become useful for their lands. A princess, a scientist, an employee… It didn't really matter. Every individual had a loop in the universe.

The next thing was uncertain for the dimension; however, they had to demonstrate their best endeavours. To specify a path against the danger on the horizon.


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