Rainbow Guardians: Chapter 20

 Chapter 20: The Rebirth II

Alexander and the girls were tongue-tied, astonished. The princess of Starland was in a vortex. Their victory… It didn’t last at all. Only a moment ago they were celebrating along with her. How could a single triumph blind them? Why had nobody noticed the omens? The hopelessness, agony and ignorance… They seemed to be the best reasons in the background. Sometimes, a dim light in the darkness could glare at the perceptions. Alex, however, was almost immune to the bleakness. After all, he had lost plenty since the beginning of his life… His parents and Friggia were honorary guests on his list of blues. As if he didn’t want any more additions, his senses returned to him, yelling: “Hang on, Nelly!”

Alex activated his fusion weapon and released a counter black hole. He was playing ‘fire against fire’ to save her, his Scandinavian nymph… His hole began to pull the nearly sunken princess to the surface, slowly disappearing. He caught Nelly in his arms. She wasn’t entirely unconscious but was dazed. Luckily, her core charm had covered her body with a thin layer of light. It was probably an outcome of the ancestral bond. Lextrum had mentioned that it would restore or increase the power of the psyche. Alex stopped projecting his axe and gently placed Nelly on the ground. She recovered, gingerly opening her lids.

“Nelly!” Anny and Neesha cried simultaneously.

“W-what? Girls, you’re squishing me!” Nelly tried to utter beneath their firm hold.

“You stupid, stupid blond,” Anny squeezed her harder. “Don’t be that reckless!”

“Yeah, Nelly. You have been quite the fumbler. Haven’t you?”

Nelly snorted and groaned slightly at that. Yes, maybe she was ‘floundering,’ but many instances were because of supra-reasons. Despite their words, she fizzled out. They were just concerned about her, like real friends. When she turned around the blood drained from her face. Alexander, the ‘rakish’ boy, was staring at her. His hazelnut eyes were boiling with various emotions; relief, worry and insecurity… 

Nelly watched him for a long while. It felt like she was meeting with him for the first time… For the first time, she was examining him thoroughly. She dusted off her uniform and stood up.

“I-I… Thank you.” Nelly spoke, clearing her throat.

“You are welcome," Alex responded, giving a half-smile.

"I'm aware of the things you've done to save me. Again, thanks,” She began. Why was her mouth so dry? Why didn’t her cheeks refuse to blush? Clenching her hands, she proceeded. “After all our unpleasant history and my words… You have proven me wrong, Alex; you’re quite noteworthy.”

He averted his glances and brushed the back of his hair. Alex’s face also glowed with redness.

“You don’t have to thank me. Every sane person would do it,” Alex exhaled loudly. “Also, don’t blame yourself. I was acting oddly towards you.”

“Well, then.” She bowed slightly, gracefully. “I, Princess Nelly Elizabeth Starland, humbly present you, my apologies.” 

“I accept; however, can you consider me as your friend?” He replied, attempting to return her gesture, but his legs stumbled. 

“O-of course?” Nelly replied and steadied him. Then, she extended her hand for a shake. Alex mirrored her movement, sealing the deal.

“It’s an honour to acknowledge my saviour as a friend," Nelly whispered into his ear. They smiled at each other. It seemed that the ice of the past was melting down. Anny intently observed the view before her. The chemistry, the pheromones around them were... Intriguing. No, it was more than that. Who could have known how things would become? She smirked. 

* * *

Thump… Thump… Thump…

Helena’s monster army rammed the doors of the chamber. One of the giant lizardions burned the exits with acid, smashing it to smithereens. The leader of spider-bees flew outside with its herd and the other creatures. They were walking in sync, almost hypnotised by something. Something or someone was summoning them.

Alex and the girls could only look after the procession passing. Despite being frozen, Helena and Stephen Hugo shared sinister grins. Hugo's black hole closed down; the emergency on the road, proceeded successfully. Well, although Stephen Hugo could be audacious and even insensitive, he was not an utter fool. After endangering the cores and poisoning Akilah, he knew that the council would come for him. He was certain that they would even follow him to the Depths of Despair.

* * *

“Milord, they will definitely come for us this time.”

“That was my intention, dear Helena, and let them do whatever they want. Now, contact our armies and tell them to block the routes.”

“Your wish is my command.”

Helena went to the mental signal broadcast room to send the message to the generals. She pushed a few buttons and connected her thought transmitter to the main server. A holographic screen appeared before her and she drew the emblems of the nations. Then, she linked it with the symbol of Shadow Galactica, and began to transform her thoughts into words:

By the command of Lord Stephen Hugo, I’m sending this message on his behalf. Dear comrades, gather up your forces and spread around the dimension like the Plague! You all managed to bring the council to extinction. Now, cut their veins and watch them bleed to death… May the victory be with you!

Helena sent it with a secret code and went back to Hugo’s chambers. He was sitting on his large, king-size bed, staring at the misty sky. There was nearly nothing on him but his breeches. Helena stripped off her cape to the floor and sat beside him. He seemed to be so dazed in thoughts that didn’t acknowledge her presence for a while. She pecked his cheek and started to massage his bare shoulders. 

“Something bothering you?”

He silently nodded, trying to hold the groans of pleasure as she skilfully traced his blades. 

“Helena, why do I have a feeling things may go wrong?”

“Everything is under control, love. I already delivered the orders.”

“I mean… What if we obliterate ourselves? What if our heritage and homeland vanish too?”

“Nothing’s gonna happen milord. Our folks will sing of you as their glorious avenger! You will be recalled as the legend of national breakthrough.”

Stephen laughed slightly and elbowed her side. She really knew to pamper his bones.

“Don’t ever leave my side, OK? I can’t consider a world without you.” Stephen said and stroked her chin. It was so kind that it startled her insides.

“Don’t worry. I will be with you till the end,” Helena replied, placing her hand on top of his. “Also, I had already ruined their hopes of finding us. With the help of my three doofuses, of course.”

Stephen Hugo didn’t reply but instead pulled her to his embrace, kissing her forehead. She relaxed in his arms, snuggling further. Later, she raised her onyx eyes against his shining, violet ones. 

“What would I do without you?”

“Well, nothing and something,” she answered jokingly, clicking her tongue. “Even though I’m sure they wouldn’t pass my trap, I have an extra plan up my sleeves, just in case.”

“You little lynx! What would that be?” He inquired, bopping her nose.

“I might have accessed the archaic subconscious of the darkness and called out the black matter?”

“You did what?” Hugo roared, his eyes bulging like a male frog. “That’s insanity! It’s almost extinct data and very erratic.”

“Oh dear, Hugo. I’m called ‘von Dunkel’ for nothing. Besides, there’s my ancestral bond.”

“I trust you Helena, but be careful, OK?”

* * *

Some moments later, the armies of Shadow Galactica and monsters met on the prison’s outskirts. The princesses and Alex escaped from the chamber windows and landed there. They were across the route of the teachers and Lord Hermes. The fusion weapons reappeared in the scene, gleaming with the ancestors’ silhouettes. The first council’s spirit and the juvenescence warriors melded.

They all ran rapidly and began to cleanse their path from monsters; an unbearable scent filled the air. It was like a mixture of rotten eggs, fish and sulphur. The dead lizardions and spider-bees were the scapegoat of this atrocity. Their ashes spread, glued everything on the way. Alex hit the thin air and opened a small void. 

Like a vacuum cleaner, the mini-hole cleaned most of the odour. Finally, they were able to inhale the wonderful oxygen. The girls moved forward, expanding their way. The living monsters from the horde fled. They were nearing Persephone's group with each step. About half a kilometre later, everywhere was bursting at the seams. Three Shadow Galactica troops were fighting against someone.

Neesha soared up to scan the area. With her staff, she drew a neon ring and sent it to the crowd. It spun, gathering knowledge from every corner; the circle narrowed and went back to Neesha's gears. It was called the "information cycle," an old mind stream developed by Dimenians, giving a 720° view. Neesha controlled the results, frowning.

“These soldiers… They are battling with our elders.” 

“You mean Mistress, our teachers and Lord Hermes?” Shanya asked, gasping.

“Yes. Unfortunately, they can’t resist anymore. Their energy levels are critical.”

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s save them!” Nelly came forward and led them. She tore the warfare dust with Lightbreaker, illuminating it everywhere.

“Look over there! The princesses are arriving!” Persephone cried.

"And, who is this young man?" Hermes said, raising his brow.

“Thank the Creator they are safe!” Penelope replied.

“Great timing! Just when we needed extra hands.” Eleanora grinned, knocking the heads of two soldiers.

The information of newcomers circulated the side of Shadow Galactica like wildfire. The three commanders, Wilbur, Arthur and Carter were dumbfounded. How could the council and princesses have survived the black matter? Did they get to Lord Hugo and Lady Helena? Their confusion was cut off by a familiar voice.

“Hey everyone, look who we have here!” Nelly told her comrades, smirking. “An army of Hugo’s lapdogs trying to bite us!”

“Well, they all must be imbeciles to pile up the majority of their forces here," Neesha replied and swung her staff further, levitating Stephen Hugo and Helena before the enemy.  

Soon, many of the soldiers began to drop off their weapons. The war arena was filled with the crashing of the equipment. The circle around Persephone and the others gingerly dissolved. In the meantime, Wilbur, Arthur, and Carter attempted to build net barriers to prevent any breakouts. Despite their efforts, many of their troops were already in a helter-skelter position.

The girls and Alex surrounded the teachers for possible threats. The three commanders would try to regain Helena and Lord from their hands. Also, Persephone, Hermes, Penelope and Eleanora had been seriously weakened. They needed some time to recover and rest after everything. Shanya kneeled to their level and formed a healing sanctuary. Neesha and Anny joined her. Nelly, Alex and Julia sought off whatever remained of Shadow Galactica army. 

* * *

Wilbur, Arthur and Carter were wandering inside the forest of fog. They hoped that the famous mist layer of the dimension would hide them for a while. Nearly all of their troops were lost, and just a few guards had left. Without gaining attention, one of them turned on a flashlight. They could feel the humid, muddy soil beneath their soles, but the rest was only thick clouds. 

“Any sign?” Wilbur asked a guard.

“Not yet, milord.”

“Alright. We shall continue.”

“As you wish.” The guard replied.

They walked for some more; however, it was starting to feel like they had been drawing circles in the area. Although they grew up in the depths, it could even delude the most professional trackers. When it came to the situation of our trio, they were the numb dumbs among the jumping beans. They recognised some fresh burn marks on the ground. The shapes were too similar to the ones in the warfare. No, they were almost identical! Some of the soldiers silently facepalmed.

Like a boomerang, they had returned to their escaping post! All of them were about to be in the clutches of the council. Crunch… Arthur stepped on a dead branch. Oh, on such lovely timing! He looked back. They were totally the herd of deer caught in the street light. The princesses of Starland and Volcanotopia along with a boy had spotted, their weapons aiming at them.

“Gentlemen, if you surrender without resistance, that’d be for your benefit.” The boy said, eerily calm. 

“Indeed,” the blonde princess joined, pointing to a spot below. “Drop your arsenal here.”

They all did what was asked of them and raised their hands. The brunette princess urged them to make a queue. The boy and the Starlander princess collected the munitions, leading them to their camp. 

They all approached the sanctuary. Shanya's branchy and leafy wall had got larger; it was more like a pavilion rather than a hut. The outside was glistening under the ever-proceeding lightning. It seemed either Neesha or Count Hermes enhanced the building with the crystals. Nelly gently opened the tent out to make for her comrades and the captives. Inside, Shanya and Anny were nursing their elders. Their status had improved a little. They were sitting on soft, plushie seats made of Lovelonian plumes. Hermes scrutinised the captives thoroughly, frowning.

“So, you finally caught these trifles. Good job.” He spoke.

"Well, what shall we do next?" Nelly asked eagerly.

“Bring them closer, princess. We will handle the rest.” Persephone answered while taking off her bandaged arm from Anny. 

"I and Persephone will interrogate Stephen Hugo and Helena about the black matter while Eleanora and Penelope will guide you about the others," Hermes ordered and headed to one of the newest rooms in the tent. Persephone joined him, locking down the entrance. 

“Um, what are we supposed to do Mrs Lorelei and Mrs Tethys?” Shanya asked.

“Well, we should-”

“Mrs Lorelei, one of these traitors… He was the one who endangered Starland,” Nelly ventured, staring at the trio grimly. "The one in the middle, his name is Arthur. He worked as a janitor in Starland core facility."

“Is that so?” Eleanora inquired, eyeing him. Arthur began to shiver under her glance.

“Y-yes, ma’am," Arthur replied.

“Princess Nelly, I give the honour of inquiring him to you. Make Arthur spill not only the beans but also his pride.” Eleanora said and showed her weapon to him.

“I would love to oblige Miss," Nelly responded, taking him out of the bale.

Eleanora took Wilbur to herself and led Julia and Neesha. Penelope on the other hand chose Shanya and Anny to question Carter, leaving Arthur to Alexander and Nelly.

“Here we meet again, Arthur ‘the janitor.’ Now, explain, why did you endanger my planet, family and people?!” Nelly asked, gritting her teeth.

“P-princess... I swear on the Almighty… Y-your parents and kingdom are s-safe.”

“How so? You threw them to the dungeon, my sister barely escaped and my planet's been raided by you!" Nelly yelled and presented the Lightbreaker. "You despicable liar!"

Her head fell to the ground darkly as her bright figure was shaking. It wasn’t that she was frightened but of her stored rage. She scrawled the floor with her sword. 

"Calm down, Nelly," Alexander warned, putting his hand on her shoulder.

She sighed deeply and attempted to wear a more neutral face. He was right. Rage against rage couldn’t resolve anything. Especially with a captive.

“Alright. Let’s restart. Artur the janitor, what was your intention on Starland?” Nelly asked once more.

“I-I… I joined Shadow Galactica when I was a boy. Lord Hugo’s father had taken me under his wing along with my siblings Wilbur and Carter. We are from a lower family in Negavise, and we lost our parents during a quarrel in the depths. You see, we wanted a name and fame⸺”

"Enough with sob stories. Just get to the point!" Nelly roared; her glance drowned him like a tsunami.

“Mistress Helena and I began to work on Starland a few years back. Before that, we had bribed or forced some Starlander officials to join our side, and I was able to land the position of facility janitor thanks to them. With the excuse of 'cleaning,' I actually added a special core diffusive to the planet's nucleus."

"What is this diffusive exactly?" Alexander asked, participating in the inquiry party.

“I’m unaware of the components, but I remember Lady Helena told us that it was related to the electron balance of the elements.”

“So, you had played with the charge distribution of core atoms…” Nelly murmured and didn’t blink, drawing back her gun. “This expresses a lot.” 

She sat on a cushion and set Arthur in a corner. Alex came to her side, buttering up her back. 

* * *

“Princess Neesha, unfreeze them a bit.” Count Hermes ordered.

She slightly let go of her hold on them. Helena and Hugo could just move their busts.

“At last, I can breathe!” Hugo bawled.

“You better not get comfy,” Persephone stimulated. “Things will get tougher I assure you.”

“Hoho, Mistress Greenwoods, you can’t quit your rocky attitude, can you? You shouldn’t let Earth fossilize you.” Hugo replied, smirking.

“I advise you to stop this nonsense, Lord Stephen Hugo. Or else, it won’t be pretty for the two of you." The count said to remind their status.

“Although Milord is right, we shall play as you wish," Helena replied.

Hermes and the rest of them nodded at her. Persephone signalled Anny and Neesha to come to her side. She was probably aiming to use their emotional and mental approval for the questioning.

“Alright, tell me why and how did you summon the black matter.” Hermes began his words, scratching his chin.

“A council president asking this? Oh, dear Creator, I wouldn’t have believed this day would come!” Helena answered. “Your ancestors are the builders of this prison, and you don’t know, huh?”

"Don't change the subject, Helena. The black matter has always been a struggle for everyone." Persephone replied, squinting. If she wanted rhetoric than direct speech, she was going to teach her a lesson.

“Fine. I used my ancestral bond to enter the subconscious of Negavise's core. Then, I tried to gather archaic info to summon it.”

This was interesting. For a millennium, nobody could enter there. The Negavisian energy had been variable since the first Harmonial War. The art of taming darkness elements was nearly lost; only two or three people could partially do it across the dimension.

“What was your goal to perform such action?” Hermes asked sternly. His shoulders and jaw were tense as one of his crystals.

"To hinder your arrival, of course," Hugo responded.

“And, you almost achieved so!” Eleanora cried and spitted his face.

"Eleanora, stop please." Penelope pulled back to her seat. They had to let their chieftain and Count proceed.

Persephone nodded and went on with the questioning. Simultaneously, Nelly and Alex brought Arthur with the other captives.

“Princess, you’re done I presume? Please sit.” Penelope told and signalled them.

"Thanks, ma'am," Nelly replied, placing herself in the nearest seat with Alex.

“Alright, Persephone, let me take care of it. You can go and rest.” Hermes intervened. It seemed that they needed more enhanced measurements to make them spill everything. He fixed his thought transmitter and core charms, activating both. Then, Hermes transfixed his eyes on Helena and Hugo and travelled to their minds. He was trying to collect necessary info from their permanent memory via telepathy and increased hearing ability thanks to his gizmo. 

‘Now, Helena, explain why you used black goo. Do you know how to get rid of it?’ He mentally asked, frowning.

‘We don’t know.’ Hugo replied instead of her.

'I asked her. Don't even try to smarm the waters, Hugo.'

Stephen Hugo cowered a bit, lowering his head. Helena took a deep sigh and answered.

‘I summoned the black matter to block the main entrance to the dimension but couldn’t calculate the exact results. The subconscious of darkness is way too unstable to execute. It seems the goo blocked any hole here.’ 

'Which means no one can go in or out. We are all stuck here, Mr President.'

Hermes facepalmed and tried to maintain his cool. Panic was the last thing they would ever want.

‘You… Do you know anything to stop this, madness?’ He inquired, squeezing his teeth.

‘I have heard of something… Something like an ancient chant but couldn’t acquire it from the subconscious. I-I think the boy next to Starlander Princess might help you.’

‘How so?’

‘I can sense huge energy radiating from him. Particularly, his core trail… It is too vague.’ Helena responded, constricting her lids.

Hermes directed his glances at the half-Negavisian boy and let go of the captives’ brains. Later, he ordered Neesha to freeze them as before. He scanned the core charm of Alex to test her claim. It was accurate. His devices began to show warning signs due to the extensive rawness of his combined powers. 'So, he is a hybrid elemental,’ Hermes thought, scratching his chin. ‘He has some potential indeed.’

“Persephone, could you acquaint me with the boy beside Nelly?” 

“What’s the matter, Hermes?” She inquired, puzzled.

“I will explain everything as we go.” He replied, staring at the boy.

“Alex, can you come here for a moment?” Persephone called him while he was chatting with Nelly. The Starlander Princess could only look after him. What was wrong? What had they picked out from these waylayers? They were aware of how little time was left to save the dimension. Her blood boiled with the rage of their hamstrung position. It had been too long since she was with her family, too long to see people suffer, too long to stay hidden… She just wanted everything to be concluded, to be precise and whole. The reality was against this, however. Thanks to the 'despair' aspect of the dimension, she began to lose her sense of time and place. Nelly lurked into the world of thoughts, attempting to resolve her mental knots.

* * *

“Mistress Persephone, is something wrong?”

“No, my boy. Count Hermes just wanted to get acquainted with you,” Persephone replied, trying to keep calm. “Count Hermes, here he is.”

“Excellent. So, young man, tell me about yourself.” Hermes said, scrutinising Alex from head to toe.

“My name is Alexander Megavoid, sir. I’m eighteen and from the Earth, Rainbow Dimension.”

“A Megavoid, hm? I haven't heard from your clan since forever." Count rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "Pray tell me, Alexander, how did you come to this dimension? With the siege I mean.” 

“Well, since the Memories Ball, I have been training with Prof. Lextrum by the grace of Mistress. I’m a hybrid core user. From my father’s lineage, I inherited darkness and via my mother’s, I can handle the earth element. Prof. Lextrum helped me to teleport here.”

“Very well my lad, but we have to cut things short.”

How could Count explain this? How could he pour out misery on misery? The main gate was covered with black matter remains, and the one in the First Council quarters was too wobbly. When he questioned Helena, he connected her statements with the abnormality that happened before. Hermes had noticed that relativity change of space and time when Persephone tried to unlock the prison's entrance, the rawness of that power… It was one of the most intense darkness emissions he encountered in years. That Alex boy, he was of Prince Alexander’s lineage. It was expressing a lot of a deal about his psyche, but how on the earth he could reach such rawness, such purity with the darkness? His maternal ancestry should have decreased his ability with the Negavisian element. Hermes was totally stuck. Somehow, he had to resolve their problem without getting everybody down. He emitted another deep sigh.

“Everyone, may I have your attention please?” He finally managed to utter something. “I have dreadful things to say.”

“Count?” The Starlander princess was first to respond to him; her eyes were reciprocating the shuddering in his eyes and voice.

“Spill out Hermes.” Mrs Lorelei said sharply.

“During the interrogation, Helena confessed something about the black matter… It… It has completely covered the official gate of the dimension. She said that there is no further data to stabilise it. Even in the Negavisian elemental subconscious. We captured and crashed the enemy, but it seems… We are stuck here.”

“What do you mean Count? We have to exit; I must go! I can’t leave my kingdom to cease!” Nelly barked helplessly, falling onto her knees. “Oh, the Almighty! Mother, father, Danie and Lily… I won’t see my kingdom and family ever again! We are doomed.”

She sobbed. She laughed. Tears prickled her cheeks, flooding and rattling her wholly. Her golden mane floated around her and radiated like the summer sun. Nelly scowled with fury and penetrated the sanctuary dome with a mighty laser beam. Her eyes were gleaming a dangerous hue of blue, almost like frostbite. The crystal walls of the sanctuary broke into smithereens and its skeleton evaporated with the heat. Everybody was staring at her, cowering under her rage.

“I don’t care whatever happens. I WILL GET OUT HERE EVEN I GOTTA DIE!” The Starlander princess roared and started to walk away from the group towards the second gate. Everyone was still in a haze, waiting shiftlessly. Only Alex snapped out and pursued her like a pendulum.


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