Rainbow Guardians: Chapter 21

 Chapter 21: Concordia Armatura

The sparks of indignation were flowing through my veins as a stone drifting on the water's surface. I sighed and tried to teleport myself out of this goddamn dimension. Lights like fireworks erupted from my chest, tickling my body. I imagined the memory of Starland Palace as my destination. My particles dissolved as I was drifting away. However, I bumped into something. It was solid, gooey and pushed me back. I tried once more. Again, again and again... The result was the same. Just like Count Hermes said we were trapped. I swayed my sword against the walls, hoping to leave a scratch. I proceeded to stab, cut and pierce but everywhere was hermetic. 

“You will bow down to me!” I yelled to the black smut. “Even it’s the last thing I do.”

At that moment, I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up.

“Calm down, Nelly. This won’t alter anything.”

“Alex... Why are you here?”

“I thought you might need help? Well, you blew us away back in the sanctuary."

I acidulously rolled my eyes at his words. 

“I just did what I had to do. I can’t lose any of my precious seconds in this vile place."

Alex inhaled profoundly and squeezed my shoulder further.

“Does it mean to obliterate everything on your path?”

“I don’t care one about this swelter of a space one bit. Please, go.” I replied, gnawing my cheeks. Which part of my speech wasn’t apparent to him? 

“Very well.” He responded, removing his hand. “Then, I will aid you.”

“Are you for real?”

“Yes. Now, lead the way Scandinavian nymph.”

* * *

Count Hermes, Mistress Persephone and the other teachers led the princesses towards the broken entrance. The ancient door was glitching but the frame was intact. There would still be some hope for them. If only they could reboot the seal… However, time, chance and success weren’t on their side. The system was so archaic that it could have befriended the mammoths. The data fragments were mere simulacra of the original, so it needed more time and endeavours to arouse everything. Also, their condition wasn’t helping either; both the students and the teachers were almost drenched to the bones. Even a snail would be sorrowful towards their situation.

Neesha flew and scanned around to see something different. Her crystal blue eyes first went to the right, then to the left. In the distance, she noticed two figures who had spread their arms, emitting beams and black holes. The white and dark energies were blending, bending and sucking the objects around. Some golden traces glittered in the wind. She could identify this hair everywhere.

“Mistress, I think I found them," Neesha announced.

Persephone nodded and knitted her brows in the fiercest way possible. Starlander Princess had a lot to reckon for.

“PRINCESS NELLY ELIZABETH STARLAND!” She roared, jerking the ground.  “What on earth do you think you’re doing?”

Nelly and Alex turned their heads in her direction, cringed like mice cornered by a cat. They shut off their fusion weapons and core charms as the glow around them faded. Neesha and the others just watched and expected Persephone's next motion. 

“I don’t know when your sensibility vamoosed, but don't you ever think your actions won't have consequences!" Persephone said and dragged Nelly to her side. "Also, if you want to redeem yourself, I highly advise you to fall on the line just like everyone." 

“Mistress! Please, I can explain-” 

“We don’t have time. You can save it for now,” Count Hermes whispered to Nelly and raised his hand to calm Persephone. “Well, at least we found the ancient door. Let’s check the system’s status.”

Count scanned and mapped the seal thoroughly. The energy wires had been torn off, and what remained of the seal was deep in the black matter, crumbling. Moreover, the wall separating the Starland quarters and the dimension was gone. The dark goo had been scattering through the cave. If they couldn't stop it, the Negavisian invasion would have been the cherry on their doom's cake. However, the seal was still glowing.

Meanwhile, the teachers, princesses and Alex joined Hermes’s research. The earth team focused on the physical structure of the door; Neesha and Anny tried to access the system’s consciousness (it was half organic anyway). Julia controlled the power current and the battery to see whether something was left. Nelly and Alex were busy with the leaked black goo, attempting to wipe it out. 

They continued this for a while. Shanya and the nymphs carved the outline of the original system. Count Hermes had already completed his analysis and calculations about everything. The rest of them on the other hand wasn't the same. Hermes shook his head and clapped his hands.

“OK everyone, I think it’s enough. Can you tell me the results?”

"We traced the oldest structure of the system," Shanya said.

“The powerhouse needs a dozen bonfires to reactivate this Noachian thingy," Julia said.

“We couldn’t find any data other than some instructions," Anny reported.

“I see,” Count replied and turned to Nelly and Alex. “What about you two?”

“Well, sir, we tried to handle the black matter, but it is tough and rough. Neither my lasers nor Alex's vortex couldn't scratch its surface."

Hermes eyed the dark mud layer once more. It was chunky as an amber batch, almost fossilised. He then analysed the traces of the old seal. There were meshed circles at the centre and they were like a solar system model. With a squint, it was possible to see tiny, round specs on the rings. They were ordered in the installation of the six kingdoms around the Harmonia star… That was it! That had to be it. The solution… It ought to be that.

"Everyone, I think I found it, the cure of the problem. So, if you look at the prints, you can see six intervened circles around a central one. Also, if you zoom in on the specs, they are equivalent to planets in our star maps. I think the seal can be restored if we combine our cores. It can conceive the necessary lustre to ignite the system; hence, the black matter may break down!” 

Everyone looked at each other. The earth team could only gather mere fossil dust, a millennial stain. For many of them, it was no different than ink splotches on paper. Yet, they had to scrape that grime as soon as possible. In that light, his view was the only plausible conclusion in their hand. With Mistress Persephone’s lead, the earth team elaborated on the shape as best as they could. Hermes collected cores of the six elements and set them like in the star maps. Then, he requested each user to activate their energy. A faint glow appeared but it faded a second later. They tried again. Again and again with various combinations of elements; however, the ignition source wasn’t right. When they were performing another attempt, Alex stumbled and dropped his medallion. The lilac object kissed the ground and lit up like gunpowder, scattering the remains. Nelly grunted at the sight and was about to open her mouth, but when a black mist began to spiral the seal, she shut it. 

The elemental symbols of the first council emerged one by one, featuring Negavise at the midpoint. Alex kneeled and observed his core charm in awe. There was a profound crack on the artefact, leaking his dark energy. He gingerly discerned the splinter on the lilac object, scoring his index finger. A drop of blood contacted with the black fog and Alex’s eyes began to winkle just like he was in trance. Count Hermes and Neesha instantly scanned his mind to grasp things. The early results were showing a significant advancement in his control of the darkness.

Alex took his family jewellery on his palm and placed it at the centre of black goo like in the traces. Some small portion was starting to evaporate.

“Alex, what’s happening?” Count Hermes inquired.

“It is… It is alive! I think it’s authorising my presence!”

“What do you mean?” Persephone spoke, puzzled. 

“It is recognising me, trying to communicate.”

“I think he is reaching to its subconscious. Alex, do you hear any utterance?”

“Yes, it is a bit obscure. I think it says our elements’ names: Darkness, mentality, flames, earth, emotions and light. Everybody should locate their charms in this order.”

They all obeyed and set their core charms on the matter. The rest of the black matter dissipated into the air. A gust of wind hit Nelly’s face. It wasn’t freezing like the storm absorbing them here when they were arriving. This was pleasant, balmy as a breeze on a hot summer day, carrying the odour of hope. 


I opened my eyes and yawned. The morning sun was caressing my face, waiting for my awakening. I stood up and grabbed my ensemble from the bureau. While I was attaching my dress, a familiar voice called me outside.

“Come on, Betty N, wake up and get dressed!”

“Alright! Just give a minute please.” I answered.

Abruptly, my door was ajar, revealing the honey tresses and a frowning face.

“Geez, Nelly! There are tons of things to attend, yet you’re sitting idly.” Daniela grumbled.

“I am quite sober thanks!” I replied, showing my status.

“Some things don’t change, do they?” She muttered to herself, slipping a crinoline to my waist. Then, she quickly put on my paddings and skirt. 

I sighed a bit, brushing my hair. My cheeks turned upward and bit them to hold myself. Instead, I hummed a sweet melody, some upbeat nursery rhyme from my childhood, and kept on untangling my locks. I watched my sister, who was circling to find some ornaments. Almost every second, she was huffing and puffing like a volcano. It seemed like she was joining my little concert. 

Ah! How much I missed this! How much I missed everything… The rumbles and tumbling in the castle, my sister's wake-up calls, even preparing for a royal day! Yes, we managed. I was in Starland once more, under the same roof with my dear family and people. My planet was alive, breathing again, and today was a special day for us. We were going to organise a ball in honour of the Harmonial Council and our victory. Oh, dear! I apologize for my ignorance. You are probably wondering how we got to this point. Well, let me illuminate you.

So, after Alex activated the seal, we found ourselves back in the Halley mountains, the secret lair of the first council. With Stephen Hugo, Count Hermes and Mistress Persephone began instant truce negotiations in Starland. The Shadow Galactica members in my kingdom ceased fire, setting my parents and Starland officers free. Naturally, this news circulated the dimension like wildfire and the siege resolved slowly.

A few days later, Prof Dr Minerva Akilah was discharged and returned to her duty as the president. The council gathered to discuss the recent events, and they announced something. The Harmonial Council had decided to establish an official position for Negavise, the planet of darkness! Moreover, they elected the sister of Hugo, Lady Erebus as the new queen of Negavise, and Alex became the chief delegate of the planet. 

What happened to Hugo and his crew you ask? Well, they are still in the depths of despair, expecting to be on trial by the Supreme Court. Thank the Almighty! Yet, there are still some fugitive members on the list. The six kingdoms had already agreed to collaborate on this issue. Anyways, where was I? Oh, yes! The ball! To celebrate the renovation of our planets and nations, my father proposed an amity ball be held in Starland. Of course, the council was jubilant about the idea, and they wanted to add several aspects to the party. 


I toured around the hall. Everywhere was so radiant, so ravishing. Many iridescent sparkles were shimmering like prisms, almost making the room a living kaleidoscope. The tables were diverse like soap bubbles, in each size. The scrumptious smells of the foods and the drinks were filling the nostrils, beckoning to be devoured. My star-shaped heels clinked as I wandered around the people. It seemed everyone in the dimension decided to migrate to Starland that day. I grasped my skirts tighter and browsed my surroundings, hoping to see Anny, Julia, Shanya or Neesha. However, I couldn’t detect them. There were officials with military decorations, the arms of nobility or scholars of prominent institutions. I couldn’t even identify the crowns of my family among them. I huffed and stopped beside a balcony door. Why did all the balls be this overwhelming? When I was about to delve into my thoughts, I heard someone.

“Dear esteemed guests, I present you the warmest welcome of Starland Kingdom once more! As you are all aware, today is a mark of a new horizon for our dimension. But of course, it isn't the only reason for our gathering. Today we shall bestow one of the greatest honorifics to a descendant of our allies. We hope this shall strengthen the olive branch that was extended,” King Marcus declared, holding some accessories. “I invite Prof. Dr Minerva Akilah, Count Derrick Hermes, Alexander Megavoid Negavise and Queen Erebus Negavise to the scene.”

A round of applause echoed through the hall as they arrived on the platform. My father and the council leaders interchanged regalia to be placed on them.

“Dear citizens of the Harmony dimension, we hereby proudly reciprocate your sentiments and officially proclaim Alexander Megavoid Negavise as the first Negavisian ‘Concordium Armatura’ -the armour of harmony- of the dimension for his grand services and aids in our salvation battle against the Shadow Galactica. I'm certain that you shall carry this title with the utmost care.” Professor Akilah said and attached a holographic lotus pin on Alex. Then, Count Hermes slipped a ceremonial bow, his glances pouring with warmth. Queen Erebus smiled and nodded at him.

Alex stared at his new adornments. His face had several expressions amalgamated; bewilderment, glory and integrity. I didn’t know if it was me, but I noticed a gleam on his cheek. I began to clap along with everyone. It was the greatest honour a person could receive. I thought he surely deserved it because not only did he save us from there, but also helped me to see the smiles and embrace my family again. I sighed happily and went outside the balcony. The sky was turning golden, heralding the sunset. I rubbed my shoulders; the temperature was mild neither too cold nor too hot. I watched the clouds swirling, jumping and drifting as if dancing from euphoria. All of a sudden, I felt a touch on my back.

“Hi,” he spoke, “Busy day ain’t it?” 

“Hello,” I responded, facing him. “Yes, totally feels like a beehive.”

He snickered, and, his hazelnut eyes stared at me thoroughly.

“What?” I snapped, couldn't bear his gaze. Was there something wrong? Was my gown stained or my hair dishevelled? If it was so, I couldn’t endure another session in the beauty corner.

“Nothing,” he replied nonchalantly, whistling to himself. “It’s just you look lovely.”

“Excuse me?”

“Your dress, I mean.”

“Oh,” I said, my cheeks burning. “Thanks. Your brooch and ribbon aren’t bad too, Mr Concordium Armatura.

Alex reddened slightly and smirked, playing with his pin. For a while, neither of us didn’t say anything. I looked at my pink skirts, smoothing ruffles. My dress was a more extravagant version of my casual royal gown. It had short sleeves with shiny tulles beneath; my corset was covered in Swarovski crystals, sparkling. Lady Mother had designed an hourglass silhouette for the dress, and it was made of stardust fabric which was authentic to Starland. Whenever it was billowing, there were glitter trails. On my back, I had an attachable, star-shaped bow with Swarovski too. My hair on the other hand was a different story; it was as if I was carrying golden foam. My tresses were curled inwardly like windblown pine trees. It was understandable for Alex to stare. 

I cleaned my throat to break the silence spell. It was way too long for me to be that quiet. 

“Well, how does it feel?” I asked.

“What are you talking about?”

“You know, being the Negavisian delegate and stuff,” I replied, playing with my hair. 

“To be honest, I’m speechless. Everything is so new and strange. It feels like a ginormous mountain of expectations loaded on my back,” Alex replied and rubbed his temple. “I’m mesmerized.”

“I understand. For me, you will handle it no matter what. Just like when you pacified my fury or became friends”

I felt a small, damp press on my cheek when words were slipping out. My face and ears reddened with flames as I looked at him.

“W-what was that for?” I fussed like a newborn.

"Nothing," Alex replied calmly.


“Yeah. I just felt like pecking,” He crossed his arms behind his head, winking. “I mean, don’t friends do it occasionally?”

“Yes… But… Ugh! You rakish blob!” I snarled and hit his shoulder.

“You are welcome, my Scandinavian nymph. C’mon, let’s go in and join the party.” Alex rubbed his arm as he was heading inside. 

I sighed heavily and watched the sky. The warm hues of the sunset had been shifting to lavender; the moon and stars aligned on a silver trail like a pearl necklace. Then, a silhouette eclipsed the moonlight for a brief second and passed away. When I opened my lids, my core charm was glowing. A crippling, muddy ache stung my chest. All I could remember was my prayer, mutely flowing my lips: ‘Oh dear Almighty, let the peace rise, last upon us all!’


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