Rainbow Guardians: Chapter 11

 Chapter 11: A Thousand Memories Ball

Here we were after the 'negotiations' between our Lord and the stuck-up council. Where were we going to? That's a good question, my fellow. I, my comrades, Wilbur, Arthur, and Carter, were on our way to the five council kingdoms. Our target was their core energy centrals. Lord Stephen Hugo had assigned me to Starland and Dimenia; Wilbur to Lovelonia, Arthur to Volcanotopia and Carter to the Earth. The mission was quite a sample: To 'retrieve' the Shadow Galactica’s devices back. Yeah, I know you may have heard unpleasant things about us. But, we had reasons to do all this. Let me clarify a little, my friend. 

We, the children of Shadow Galactica, are from the bloodline of our legendary forefather King Galactica the Dauntless. After his brother almost cornered him in oblivion and went mad, he escaped there without any despair. He became the ruler of Negavise. His family and relatives were sent to the depths along with his loyal attendants by the council. I’m from one of his assistants’ lines. Later that exile, our families made intermarriages. Their grandchildren formed our alliance, Shadow Galactica. What are we really? This is quite simple to answer. We are an alliance which seeks real justice for the innocent Negavise people and our deceased ancestors. We tried legal and legit ways to make this happen, but the council decided to hush our voice. We were imprisoned, exiled, and even executed by them. For what? Just for seeking and inquiring about our rights! So, we began to work with illegal channels I can't name here. Oh, but the result was glorious, absolutely glorious! Many centuries of endeavour worked at last! We totally hypnotised people from other kingdoms about our aim. Look at us now! We do have countless followers all around the Harmony Dimension. Well, enough about history. Let's return to our main story, shall we? As I said, my comrades and I had a duty to complete. Finally, we arrived at our destinations. I first went to Dimenia, the famous crystal planet. President Akilah herself greeted me in front of the royal castle. It was made entirely out of various crystals around the dimension. The quartzes, volcanic stones, corundum, beryl, and many more… Prof. Akilah directed us to their core energy centres. The facility… Oh, the Almighty! You had to see that. Everywhere was so brilliant and radiant although it was underground! I looked around with awe; Dimenia wasn’t the most developed kingdom for nothing. They were using every type of mineral and crystal structure’s energies, producing different magnetism. The most significant among them was the colourful core of the Dimenia, of course. It was a huge, transparent, and natural magnet of the planet.

If we could have that power! Think of it, as a nucleus that has nearly every element known in it! It was going to be wasteful to remove our gadgets from such a thing. Minerva showed us the well of their producers. A light spectrum was dancing around us, and on the top, there was our machine. It was a four-legged anti-magnet that was sucking the neutrons and protons of the atoms (storing them in its storage) and replacing them with electrons. With my men, I removed the legs and set free the protons and neutrons. However, there was a small thing on my hand; I dropped it to the core matter. It was a little surprise for our' allies.'

Then, we headed to Starland, the second-strongest kingdom in the dimension. We had to go at least two light-years at speed to reach there because it was the nearest planet to our sun. As a result, Starland was the hottest and the most energetic world of the system. The sun of our solar system was called Harmonia UPC002 or shortly harmony. It was the biggest star of our galaxy, Concordia. The once gleaming golden planet turned into a half-gas one. I couldn't help myself but smirk at the status. Oh, Starlanders, they are the proudest, the most stubborn people you could see! Why? Because they believe that they are the main element of creation and because they consider themselves as the direct reflection of the Creator! (May he forbid) But, it was legit in a way since their planet was made out of Harmonia’s solar winds. However, the thing they usually forgot was even the smallest star would end up radiating and can become a black hole with a supernova! Which meant we were a little superior to them. 

Well, we hardly landed on the surface. I started to wobble while trying to walk. Instead of Castor, 'Mother' Estela came to meet with us. I expected the usual as cocky as the king of spades manner; however, she acted quite hospitable and friendly. Of course, I didn't let it affect me. There had to be something under this. I would have to trust any other people from this dimension but a Starlander? Never! Whatever, we went inside the lift which would carry us to the Starland facility vaults. 

The doors of the capsule opened, revealing a flashy place. Everywhere was filled with all types of light from lasers to modern gas lamps. I was greeted by one of the head professors of the facility, Prof. Dr Hoshina Orion. She was a golden-eyed, silver-haired, tall woman. Also, she wasn't that old at all, only in her mid-30s! Many of the Starland intelligentsia were like that. How did I know that? Well, it was written in my reports chart, and they had self-esteem. Prof. Hoshina showed us the Starland facility; it could have been in better condition, to be honest. Our 'little damage' had caused havoc in the centre. Half of the facility was ruined, covered with wreckage. However, somehow, their core production was still working, shining brightly. It was another authoritative source of energy. According to scientists, this nucleus had the heat of a red dwarf star! Roughly the quarter heat of our sun, Harmonia! Compared to the Dimenia, it meant more potential energy. I gazed at the partially frozen core. Although we were able to freeze its surface, the centre of the nucleus was burning continuously. I ordered some of my staff to place themselves around our mechanism.

Then, I drew the insignia of Negavise on the air, and a screen appeared. My team began to 'undo' the connections while I coordinated them. The gadget for this planet was like a fusion drill which was radiating atomic-level freezing signals. We gingerly ascended the device and brought it beside me. Prof. Orion nodded and offered a handshake as an act of gratitude for deactivation. I returned the favour but, she didn't know that I left another tiny thing in their core. I turned my back, heading to my ship. While I was going, some mental notes from Wilbur, Arthur, and Carter arrived. It was confirmed one thing: Mission Accomplished


It was 06.00 PM. He dashed towards the Academy with his full speed. It was his first week in these training sessions, and the headmistress had promised him three lessons weekly. He was a state-protected student, after all; it was none other than Alexander Megavoid, a senior student in the Silver Lining Boys School. Alex was not under state protection due to his parents. He had a very high I.Q. of 145; however, it was like a double-edged sword for him.

He had to find the right balance while using it. During his infancy, he had too many problems. Alex had said his first words when he was only 7 months old. For many years, his only contact between him and the world was his nanny Friggia. She taught Alex how to read and write while he was one year old. When he became four, he began primary school and finished it when he was eight years old. His age gap among the other students had always triggered specific problems. He was usually bullied for his extra sensitive sight. It caused Alex to wear special glasses, and whenever they trained gymnastics in P.E., he stumbled on his own limbs. Also, his teachers found him a bit more active than the rest. In the lessons, he would display 'unusual' manners. For instance, he would have caught flies under his glasses and examined them. Even once he tried to revive a crushed butterfly with his invention in hopes of returning his dead mother, so, Alex and his father are happy again. As a result of everything, he mostly got the lowest grades in his primary studies. However, Friggia had noticed his incapability and applied to the state services for his special status. When he was 6, they transferred him to the state's individual mentality school for kids. Ever since he was under the wing of the Earth government.  

After Mistress Persephone learned about him and Friggia, she instantly entrusted Mr Lextrum as his private tutor. He was the person who would fit like a glove for that job because he had several experts- ship in many fields. Mr Lextrum had finished three master's degrees! His prominent area was alchemy, but he was also into war arts and a weapon engineering specialist. 

Alexander finally stopped at the application facilities of the Rainbow Academy. Mr Lextrum was expecting him at the entrance with his equipment. This week he was learning about the background of fusion weapons. Since he could learn things more accessible than the average student, Mistress prepared a different schedule just for Alex. It was a fastened version of the first year's armoury curriculum. He was probably educated about basic knowledge such as biology, physics, maths, etc. in his school years. Mr Lextrum and Alex went into the training room; inside was wide enough for single combat exercises. Lextrum extended him an essential, non-elemental fusion weapon, a thought transmitter. He gave him a blank core charm, and Alex placed it on his chest. The charm surrounded his trunk with black, bloodstains with swirly branches.  

“Ahhh!” Alex clenched his teeth; his skin scorched like a newly cooled metal. The smoke rose from his flesh. Lextrum channelled this dark power and pulled out the roots of it. There he saw the heart of his energy, flashing everywhere. Alex had two different types of elemental forces in his body. The roots of the energy were the same as any nymph's aura, whereas the transition was very sparkly. Lextrum diagnosed that he had to train Alex in both darkness and the earth forces. He filled in both of his essences in two separate charm chambers and placed them on his chest again. This time nothing happened. 

"Alright, Alex," Mr Lextrum looked at his chest for one last check. “I have to tell you your elemental case is very rare.”

“How so?” Alex inquired.

"All the fusion weapon users usually have one main and can use some side elements. For instance, a light elemental person can use fire or a mental arts user can access emotions. However, you have two distinct auras, which are the darkness and the Earth." 

"I-I see. What do we do, then?" Alex averted his gaze from Lextrum.

“My dear boy, as a core alchemy expert, I will teach you everything,” He pointed him to raise his weapon. “Now, let’s begin with basic exercises.”

From yesterday’s course, Alex remembered the importance of concentration, trying to keep up his balance; he managed to activate his energy. He began to imagine the flow of his elements. The electric waves of the darkness mixed into the dust of the soil. Inside the store of the gun, a tiny nebula appeared, building a neutron star. Then, in a second, it collapsed and became a black hole.

“Well done Alexander,” Lextrum took some notes. “I want you to release this black hole.”

Alex set the substance-free, and a few seconds later, the dust and the flashes disappeared. He lowered his head, defeated. Mr Lextrum patted his hair. 

“Don’t worry boy. Everyone usually fails on their first try, but you have done a quite good job!”

“R-really?” Alex asked, a bit of hope in his voice.

“Really. I will hand out you some resources about both the Earth and darkness," Lextrum wrote more things in his notebook. “Don’t forget to practice your exercises daily. You are dismissed for today.”

Alex’s shadow slowly intervened on the horizon. Mr Lextrum revised his notes about his newest pupil. His condition as a hetero element user was remarkable. His anatomical chart in his database showed he was also half Negavisian, the indicator of his dark ancestry. Lextrum let out a sigh. Here, Lancelot Lextrum, the master of core alchemy had to find the nearly forgotten art of darkness.


The floors had been polished by the maids, showing everything like a mirror. The dust tornado went away with the whirlpool of great vacuum cleaners and dusters. The usual floating lights changed into classic, detailed chandeliers. Emblems of the six kingdoms adorned the hexagonal walls of the ballroom. Each wall had one kingdom's symbol and a coat of arms.

There were the hustle and bustle inside the Academy too. All the students, janitors and cleaners were running around. They cleaned the dorms, tidied up their stuff, and mended any broken things. A blond girl with star hairclips wiped away the sweat on her brow, holding a fur catcher.

“Phew, finally, getting rid of Pineapple’s fur is done! She sure sheds too much.” Nelly told herself.

She removed her portable overalls for cleaning. It was clothing like rubbers but was from a different fabric. These overalls were made out of modern oilcloth which was airing the skin but still was waterproof. Nelly folded her uniform and checked her phone. There were more than 500 mental notes that were from Anny. She was talking about the ball of that night; her conversation was all about the outfits, makeup, or hair they would have. After having many shopping experiences with Anny, she got her lesson. Never ever crossways with Anny when it came to fashion. She had bought a sequined dress and a hair styler from an outlet near the mall. Nelly sat down before her vanity mirror and began to comb her golden hair. She used her dress teleportation device to wear her dress and shoes. Then, Nelly took the styler, curling sections of her hair into luscious ringlets. Her hair model could have made her sister Daniella (who had natural curls) jealous of its volume. She placed a hairband with stars on her head, flipped her bangs and called Neesha.

“Hello?” Neesha appeared on the voice hologram.

"Hey, Neesha! Are you ready for the ball?” 

“Well, Shanya and Julia already told me they are waiting in the ballroom.” She replied, grabbing her mini handbag. 

“What about Anny? Her mental notes are freezing my phone.” Nelly asked, frowning.

“She should be inside her fashion display mess,” Neesha chuckled. "I bet Anny will also be 'fashionably' late." 

Nelly gently facepalmed and shook her head. This was a significant, formal occasion for the Creator's sake!

“Alright, I’ll see you in the ballroom. Bye!” Nelly said and ended the call.

The ballroom wasn't that far from the dormitory. It was inside the second block, and you could reach there with a few shortcuts. There were two corridors directly linked to the area. Nelly chose the easiest one with a direct teleport elevator. She showed her I.D. to the censor; it verified her. A few seconds later, the lift arrived. Alongside Nelly, there were other students. There was a cliché, monotonous tune playing there. The group got off the elevator, heading towards the event. When Nelly went in, her jaw dropped, literally.

Everywhere was shouting out one word: Glory. The shimmering light swirls, sparkles of the crystal and fancy ornaments were simply… Brilliant. She felt how much she missed these types of celebrations and entertainment. The happy or silly dances she performed with her sisters or the guests, the laughter and ecstasy echoed in her thoughts. To avoid anything sad, Nelly decided to move towards the snacks session. There were all kinds of food and beverages on the tables. Chocolate fountains, earth-shaped savouries, and native flavours of each six planets were there! It was, indeed a luxurious party. Nelly found herself moving towards Starland’s table. 

She grasped a crystal glass and poured in some star berry tea. This indigenous berry of Starland was pointy and honey-coloured. It had a tart taste, but with some spice, it could be sweetened. Nelly, as an addict, drank it in a gulp, and she repeated this several times. Her tongue burned up a little; she bit it slightly. To cool it down, she instantly filled her glass with some juice; however, the sound of shattering reverberated in her ears. Nelly's glass was broken to smithereens. Countless and countless dust of glass covered the table. She jerked her hand, but a piece of glass's handle sank into her skin and tore apart some of her flesh. Nelly barely held a groan while holding her right palm, and she examined the wound. It seemed like something non-operation worthy. Nevertheless, it definitely needed some medical treatment. 

She opened up her little purse, took a band-aid and stuck it on her wound. Then, she wore a pair of gloves to hide her cut. How could she dance or shake hands without her dominant hand? It was a big formal event after all; moreover, it hurt a hell of a lot. Scanning around, Nelly searched for her friends.

It didn’t take that much time to spot them. She noticed all the girls at their respective tables. Anny was greeting the members from Lovelonia with her straightened hair, and rose-adorned dress. There was a smile on her face. Julia had laid her hair back with some gel with her half overalls and a tulle shawl. She was talking with some soldiers. Shanya was beside her family and Mistress Persephone; she was hiding her face beneath her long, thin sleeves. Her navy mane was held in a bun with a mermaid, floral dress.

Meanwhile, Neesha’s table seemed very silent. No one's mouth was moving, but their mimics were apparently proceeding. Nelly just giggled at them. Dimenians were not famous for their conversational skills after all; they were using telepathy and sign language among them usually. Neesha had a short, padded dress with a braided bun showed her a few years mature. 

She stared back at Starland’s table. Even though the council made an 'agreement' with Negavisians (the people of Negavise), no member of her family was visible. Nelly a least hoped to see her sisters Daniella and Lilyanna with Mother Estela. She let out a long sigh and greeted Mr Castor and his crew, walking nearer to the dance floor. Watching some dances and listening to some music might have evaporated her frustration even a bit. Nelly only gazed at the ground, without recognising around. She sensed pressure on the nose of her shoe from someone's heel and attempted to remove it; however, her foot tripped, dragging her to the floor.  

She was about to hit her forehead, and a pair of arms caught her with a quick reflex and spun them around. When Nelly opened her eyes, she found herself on top of a very familiar face. The hazelnut orbs were focused on her with a frown, their noses touching. She jumped off his face, trying to break the contact. But she couldn't manage it.

“Whoa, Scandinavian nymph, we have a bad habit of falling for each other!” He said with a smug yet surprised grin.

“Well, could you get off me? I hate it when I’m overshadowed.” Nelly replied, annoyed. 

“Geez, this is how you say thanks?” Alex raised an eyebrow and made a dramatic pose. “I’m sorry for stealing your light sunshine!”

“Look who’s talking? You are the one who is hitting on me!” Nelly growled, swiftly drawing her skirt and stood up.

Alex just rolled his eyes, dusting his tuxedo as Nelly was slowly blending into the crowd. Before she could go out of his sight, he clutched her hand behind him. Nelly tried to proceed to go further, but his grip was firm. She once again faced him, glaring. Alex stared intensely at her turquoise irises; they had the peevish waves before the storm. He took a deep breath.

“Nelly, I understand that our encounters haven’t been…” Alex trailed off to find the right word. “Pleasing. Yes. But, they were mostly accidents.”

Nelly frowned more than ever, never gazing at him at all. Alex just replied with a word.

“Sorry,” He said, tightening his fists. “I’m sorry for behaving like that in the cemetery and bumping into you.”

Her eyes widened. She felt a lump forming in her throat. Her heart was pounding to break her rib cage; a flow of anger and amazement boiled inside her veins. How could he be like this? This is perplexing and cheeky at the same time. Nelly reddened up at this but turned around. 

“I-I─” She peeped at him and lowered her eyes, biting her lips. “I’m sorry for evading and treating you like that.”

When Alex was about to react, a very romantic song began to play. It was meant for an ancient courting dance. He extended his hand, clearing his throat.

“W-well, shall we conclude our misunderstandings on this dance floor?”

Nelly's mouth became agape twice that day; however, she placed her left hand on his left shoulder and put her right one in his hand. They made a heart shape with their steps, swaying around the imaginary shape. Alexander whispered in her ear, huskily. "Why did you really evade me my Scandinavian nymph?”

“Huh? There wasn’t a real reason at all.” Nelly replied.

“Nelly, I’m not that klutz you know? I can notice things.” Alexander gingerly twirled her around, holding her right hand even tighter. Nelly gritted her teeth as he dipped her slightly. His face was just inches away from her chest.

Alex raised her up gradually and aligned their foreheads, both flushing. Nelly gulped and felt almost helpless against his hazelnut pools. His gaze was cascading with the lava of anticipation. 

“It’s just…” She murmured. “We are too different from each other.”

“How?” Alex backed away from their contact. “We are both humans!”

"You don't understand! We shouldn't have even met. I'm the child of stars, and you are the darkness, you rakish blob!" Nelly explained, trying not to spill out all the beans.

"What do you mean? I was born on Earth. I… I…"

“I know you might be from the Negavise line,” Nelly answered, exhaling. “I’m a Starlander, and your potential kinsmen are exterminating my planet.”

Alex squeezed her right hand even more; blood started to soak her glove. He saw the red liquid on her palm and left her hand. It was too much to take in. How could she know about his possible link with the planet of darkness? Was it their dream encounter or something else? His mental experience was confirming her connection with the light. She had a symbol of Starland as her necklace. Why had he accepted Lextrum’s invitation at all? They somehow accomplished made things even more complicated. Nelly's groans awakened him from his astonishment. 

He removed the glove gently and looked at her cut. They had to do something before it could get worse. However, their interaction is cut in half by the sounds of trumpets. At the top scene, the highest members of the council gathered around. There was a middle-aged man with an odd smirk, kneeling before a woman; he had a fusion weapon and a core charm in his hands. While the president of the council put his crown, some men totally covered in white got their stuff back. They tackled him to the ground, placing paralysing handcuffs. Another man in a much fancier uniform stepped forward.

“Your harmonies, President Akilah, don’t crown this man! There is a poison in it!”

A chorus of gasps overwhelmed the ballroom. This sure was a ball of a thousand memories.


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